The Brazil Nut Buzz

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As the medical field advances and more health research is leading us to understand root causes over band-aid fixes, the influence of a healthy diet is more prevalent than ever. Many professionals have uncovered the role of a nutrient-rich diet in fighting some of the deadliest diseases. These food fixes are often more effective and longer-lasting than prescription drugs. Research has suggested that many plant foods in particular aid in the lowering of cholesterol, risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

Dr. Michael Greger, creator of, writes about the power of nutrition to reverse disease in his book How Not to Die. One of Dr. Greger’s findings left VALLEY stunned – one unseeming plant product ranks above most others in the cancer risk-reduction category. This food happens to be a niche nut: the Brazil nut.

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Cutting Down Cholesterol

What makes these nuts pack such a special health punch? According to Dr. Greger, “a single serving of four Brazil nuts almost immediately improved cholesterol levels” when administered to a group of ten men and women in an experimental study (Greger 26). LDL cholesterol, commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol, had been reduced by twenty points within the first nine hours of consuming the nuts. The long-term effects were equally as staggering. One month after the participants had consumed the four Brazil nuts, “their cholesterol levels stayed down.”

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High cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for developing cancer, making this finding invaluable. However, VALLEY is only highlighting one study in this article. Other studies may come to differing conclusions. As with all health advice, it is important to do your own research within books and scholarly journals to ensure you find accurate information and implement new foods in your diet properly.

The Influencers Are on It
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Many health influencers have begun utilizing this health discovery by adding a few Brazil nuts into their morning supplement routine. Countless Instagram stories feature models, personal trainers and more putting in their two cents about the value of Brazil nuts. These mundane-looking nuts are rapidly becoming a part of social media wellness culture. As we previously stated, VALLEY recommends you do your own research to ensure you have a well-rounded perspective and don’t solely rely on input from influencers.

With a Grain of Salt

As with most things in life, too much of a good thing can also be a bad thing. Brazil nuts, though seemingly effective in protecting against cancer, can lead to selenium toxicity if eaten in excess. Selenium is an essential mineral that acts as an antioxidant to fight free radicals in your body but can cause unfavorable symptoms if the toxicity level is reached. What we mean is, don’t go Brazil nut-happy! One or two a day is plenty.

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Many natural treatments like this one are not very well known because of our society’s reliance on prescription drugs to temporarily mitigate symptoms. Although prescription drugs certainly have a place in healthcare, we should make an effort to treat ailments at the source with healthy foods like the Brazil nut.

Creative Nutrition

VALLEY recommends surfing the web for fun recipes so you can incorporate Brazil nuts in your diet in exciting ways. Nutrition shouldn’t be boring!

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Let us know your creative ways to implement Brazil nuts in your diet by tagging us @VALLEYmag on Instagram!


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