The Celebrity Showering Debate

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Personal hygiene and bathing habits are often things that people want to keep to themselves, but not celebrities. Just as they share most of their lives with us, celebs have recently been much more open about their everyday bathing and showering habits. 

This discussion about personal hygiene seems to have started with a conversation between Dax Shepard and his co-host Monica Padman on their podcast “Armchair Expert.”

Shepard brought up the argument he and Adman were having about whether you should bathe every day. He argued against washing your body every day, saying, “you should not be getting rid of all the natural oil on your skin with a bar of soap every day: it’s insane.” Padman disagreed, saying she was taught to wash her whole body in the shower every day. Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher were also featured on the episode and voiced their agreement with Shepard. They said they only bathe their kids when they see dirt on them. 

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The Debate

The simple question of how frequently one should shower launched tons of replies and comments from other celebrities who wanted to share their beliefs about personal hygiene.

Celebrities such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Terry Crews, Chris Evans, Jodie Turner-Smith and Cardi B all said they are everyday bathers, with some of them — Dwayne Johnson and Terry Crews — saying that they sometimes even shower three times a day.

On the other side of this bathing debate, we have celebrities such as Kristen Bell, Jake Gyllenhaal, Matthew McConaughhey and Brad Pitt who argue that washing your body every day is not necessary, and that waiting for the stink is how they decide when to shower. 

The Science Behind Bathing

Showering rinses off the allergens we come in contact with as well as any bacteria and viruses. It helps remove dead skin cells, clearing the pores and allowing skin cells to function. It also helps get rid of and prevent body odor, leaving you feeling clean and smelling fresh. 

Overshowering can be harmful and according to dermatologists, this is especially true when you use an abrasive material like soap, as Shephard argued in his podcast. While it removes dead skin cells and washes off bacteria, showering also strips the skin of moisture and can cause dry skin and irritation. By bathing too often, you could be washing away the good bacteria that the skin naturally forms. Small cracks in the skin can occur as a result, making it easier for bacteria to enter the skin and cause infections. 

How frequently one should shower will vary depending on the person and what they do in their daily life. It is important to consider your natural tendencies towards oiliness, body odor and sweating. Showering frequency also depends heavily on your environment and daily activities; someone who works out every day or spends a lot of time outside for their job will probably shower more often than someone who never leaves their house. 

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Personal hygiene is exactly that: personal. While bathing every day does have benefits, taking a break now and then can help revitalize the skin and keep in the good bacteria your skin produces.

Both sides have pros and cons and, ultimately, it is up to you when it comes to deciding how often you should shower. Dr. Elaine Larson, a professor emerita at Columbia University School of Nursing, puts it best in a quote from the Wall Street Journal, “If you feel dirty, shower or take a bath, but don’t think you have to every day.”


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