The Forgotten Game Day Necessities

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As Penn State students, home game weekends are some of the best moments during our fall semesters. Waking up, putting on your game day outfit, gathering your friends and amping up before watching some of the best college football in the States is a truly special experience. As all Penn State students know, there’s a lot that goes into these exciting days, making it difficult to remember every single essential.  

Although having the perfect game day fit, your preferred beverage, tailgate plans and tickets downloaded to your Apple wallet are undeniably crucial, there are other priorities game day attendees should keep in mind as well. 

Eating a Good Breakfast 
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This may not be something everybody has to worry about remembering, but at times students forget to fuel their bodies and instead jump straight into the fun. This is something everyone should prioritize every day, especially when you have a long, exceptionally active day ahead of you. To have the energy you’ll need to walk to the tailgate lots and support the Nittany Lions from the stands, a solid breakfast is necessary. 

No, it’s not smart to wait until you have access to tailgate food or skip eating entirely because you plan on solely drinking instead. Decisions like these are the kind that have the power to cut your day short because you haven’t properly charged your battery. 

Comfortable Shoes 
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We’ve all heard the saying beauty is pain, and some of us take it entirely too seriously. After being ranked the number one student section in the country, we know we have a serious responsibility to stand and scream for our school the entire game. On top of that, tailgating doesn’t invite much room for giving your feet a rest either. With that being said, your shoe choice can make or break your gameday experience.

Game days consist of a repetitive pattern of walking and standing; without a supportive shoe you’ll find it hard to be present and enjoy every moment, no matter how cute your outfit could have looked with some chic aesthetic shoe. Regardless, it makes more sense to save your special shoes for a setting that doesn’t involve dirt, grass, alcohol and a packed stadium with little room to protect them from unnecessary damage. 

Location Access 
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If you’ve ever even just been in the general vicinity of Beaver Stadium on a home game day, you’ve experienced the slow-moving phone service due to the high volume of people in the area. Since the tailgate lots cover a lot of land and you may want to split up from your group or do so accidentally, it’s really important to have your location shared with the people you’re seeing or trust. That simple act could save you from having to enter the game alone or even worse, getting lost completely. The only logistical way to tailgate hop, without having a memorized mental map of the area, is by having your friends’ locations.  

Stadium Pick-Me-Ups
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As important as a filling breakfast on game days is, a stadium snack is just as vital. You’re going to need water to hydrate your throat so you’re capable of overpowering the opposing team with loud, passionate cheers. Secondly, why miss out on an opportunity to indulge in an iconic Beaver Stadium chicken basket? Chicken baskets are a delicacy that has been feeding hungry Penn State football fans for years. Do yourself a favor and create a balance in what you consume on game days, so you’re able to celebrate all day and night. 

Nap Time 

Even if you eat breakfast, wear your most comfortable shoe, avoid losing your friends and hydrate during the game, your body will still require a brief intermission. Penn State students are ambitious; we strive to spend every waking hour of game day weekends celebrating Penn State with friends and family. But being happily up and active for sometimes over 12-hour stretches is unrealistic and can make for a bad ending to a beautiful day. There’s no shame in protecting your peace by taking a much-needed break before post-game parties. No one wants tired company, and reviving your energy levels in between activities will make your Sunday recovery much easier.  

VALLEY wants everyone to experience Penn State game days to the fullest and encourages you to keep all of these helpful tips in mind! 

*VALLEY does not support underage drinking. Please remember to always drink responsibly.*

Tag us @VALLEYmag on Instagram with your best game day pics! 


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