The Only Way Out is Through

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Exam week, late assignments, new friendships and unknown frat illness push down on us every other week it feels like in college. As the roof caves in and the space feels darker and tighter, we have two options: run away or push through it. 

Assess Rather Than Avoid

The college culture and other external stressors create a tornado of chaos in our lives. It feels easier to hide and let the storm pass, but what if the chaos comes back? Life has inevitable periods of mayhem that test our resiliency. In college, a new week is at the snap of a finger, yet our mental state is behind two weeks. We cannot avoid the days ahead of us, but realizing some setbacks are smaller at hand allows us to embrace the good coming our way.

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Why do I keep feeling like this? Why is nothing helping? I just do not want to deal with this anymore and run away. 

We’ve all hit a point where asking ourselves these questions feels too often. Our outside surroundings overcome our thoughts and emotions, landing us in a standstill of numbness. While blaming the world for all its problems, it can be best to take a step back and look from the outside. We are in a slump, essentially. We’ve fallen deep into self-loathing, but there’s still time to pull ourselves up before it’s too late. 

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Can’t Hold Me Back

Life does in fact go on, so why let our temporary emotions get the best of us? Positivity and good karma waits for us, but lingering grudges or low vibrations will taint our perception. As college students, bad weather and sicknesses can feel like the end of the world. Spoiler, it’s not. While the clouds and sky look dark and gloomy, it doesn’t stop all the fun! Feeling sick? It’s the perfect opportunity to indulge in some self-care and be at your best by the end of the week.

Dance in the rain! Watch movies with your friends! Go out to your favorite spots! 

Yes, VALLEY recognizes that dark skies and frat flu can ruin the mood, but we have the power to cultivate positive energy. Not all memories or fun times happen in the most perfect conditions. When looking back at a fun moment, the memory isn’t centered on the negative aspects, but on what positive factors contributed to the memorability of a certain time.  

Sickness, bad weather and homework assignments come and go, but opportunities to make unforgettable memories with the people we love last a lifetime. 

Feel like you’re in a slump? Tag @VALLEYmag on X about what methods you use to feel better!


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