The Power of Matcha

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The holiday season is approaching. The air is filled with the aroma of peppermint mocha as you walk into the library to study for a final. As you wait for your name to get called, you watch as dozens of lattes get handed out, and then there it is. The iced green beverage sticks out like a sore thumb among the Starbucks aesthetic. Matcha.

What is matcha and why do people drink it?

Matcha is green tea in powder form, it is often mixed with water to form a frothy beverage. It is smooth, with an earthy flavor. It is popular in East Asia and mainly produced in Japan. Matcha can be ordered hot or cold.

The Starbucks menu also offers it to be mixed with lemonade, and other chains like Dunkin’ Donuts feature this beverage on their regular menu.

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What are the health benefits?

While it has more caffeine than most teas, it also has L-theanine, an amino acid that helps reduce stress. The drink has a similar wake-up effect to coffee but without the jitters.

Matcha is also packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Antioxidants are crucial to a good diet, they reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. You can even receive vitamins A, B, C, E and K by drinking matcha.

The tea can help build bone strength and improve cognitive performance. Additionally, studies have shown that it can fight off infections like pneumonia.

Don’t want to break the bank?

Making matcha tea at home is easy! Matcha powder can be found at any grocery store. Kits with basic tools for matcha like whisks and milk frothers can be purchased online.

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The other ways we can use matcha

While it is most enjoyed in latte form, either hot or cold, there are plenty of recipes that implement matcha in other ways. Many people choose to bake with matcha. It can be enjoyed in donuts, muffins, cookies or macaroon form.

Baked goods aren’t your thing? Try matcha ice cream! There are also recipes for various breakfast items including pancakes, crepes, chia pudding and overnight oats.

Get creative and try some of these recipes around Christmas and Saint Patrick’s Day to add a pop of green to basic dishes.   

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What are your thoughts on matcha? Will you be giving it a chance? If you make any recipes featuring matcha make sure to share them with us by tagging us on Instagram @VALLEYmag.


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