The Secret Lives Of Mormon Wives

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Mormonism, also known as the LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), is a branch of Christianity that began in the 1800s. In 1820, a man named Joseph Smith claimed to have seen God and Jesus in a vision. A few years later, in 1823, an angel named Moroni supposedly led him to some hidden golden plates. Smith said he translated these plates into what became the Book of Mormon, published in 1830. This book is an important part of LDS teachings, and its beliefs and practices are based on the ideas found in it.

Modern-day Mormonism

Mormonism is an interesting religion with some unique ideas and rules. If you’re around State College, PA, you’ve probably seen Mormons out and about, chatting with people about their beliefs. Erik, a Mormon from Idaho now in State College, says, “Yeah, it can seem kind of wacky at times, but it’s not as crazy as people think.”

Recently, interest in Mormon culture has surged on social media, and you’ve probably come across content from Brigham Young University (BYU) on your TikTok For You page. Another source of fascination is Mormon reality television, like “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” or the viral Hulu show, “The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives.”

“It’s weird and doesn’t represent Mormon culture at all,” Erik said when asked about these TV shows. However, the popularity of these programs seems to draw more viewers in, sparking curiosity about the culture.

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Mormon Soda Culture

The latest trend is Mormon soda culture. Since Mormons don’t drink alcohol or coffee, many turn to soda instead. There are tons of soda-specific shops in heavily Mormon-populated states. Erik mentions, “There are a lot of soda shops in Idaho.”

In the show, “The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives,” the women often enjoy drinks from a place called Swig, where sodas can be as large as 40 oz, and some people even have one every day! What makes these sodas unique are the crazy flavorings that get added, there’s extra syrup and even coffee creamer. With these soda shops being a hit in Mormon areas, people are now trying to recreate these drinks at home.

If you scroll through TikTok, you’ll see people attempting to make the iconic Swig drinks featured in the show. Plus, Swig’s social media presence is booming, proving just how popular this trend has become!

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Mormon culture and its unique quirks are making it big on TikTok and reality TV. The blend of traditional beliefs with modern trends, like the popular soda culture, draws interest from both Mormons and those curious about their lifestyles. It’s fascinating to see how people who live completely different lives behave and interact. These reality shows offer a real and personal perspective.

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