The White Lotus S3 is Crazy… Predictable

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The show that keeps most of us in a chokehold from the weird coincidences to the shocking twists and turns, is not quite living up to some viewers’ expectations. 

The White Lotus’s season three debuted in early Feb., with many fans excited to see what Thailand would bring the show this season. 

The first few episodes started slow, which is okay for episodes one through three, as fans try to gather their theories as to what director, Mike White is alluding to. However on episode five, with still very little actually happening, fans are starting to get confused. 

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The show usually picks up immensely during the halfway point, with crazy plot points that you could never predict from the beginning however in season three, it seems to be at a standstill. 

Every season has a weird family or friendship dynamics, with the couples that just don’t seem to have it figured out yet. This season did bring exactly that, with the Ratliff family seeming to have some weird things going on between the two brothers, Lochlan and Saxon, and with the trio of women, Kate, Jaclyn and Laurie, who definitely have some major issues they need to address – and of course everyone’s favorite weirdos, Chelsea and Rick. 

The Theories That Have Finally Been Confirmed (Finally)

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In episode five, we finally saw some fan theories proven to be true (but let’s be honest, it shouldn’t have taken this long). 

We finally saw things go down between Lochlan and Saxon, which could have been predicted right off the bat. However, in a shocking turn of events, it almost seemed as if Lochlan, the younger of the two, wanted this relationship more. Fans predicted Saxon, the older brother, would have be the one to initiate any weird interactions between the two. 

Jaclyn sleeping with her best friend’s man… not cool, but, predictable. 

Kate being the responsible one? Maybe it’s just us, but we always thought that out of anyone, it would have been Laurie. 

Timothy (insert Parker Posey’s accent), debating suicide. We love the Ratliff family, but again, predictable. 

The best part about The White Lotus, is that everything is just so unpredictable, so why are we so not surprised?

Upcoming Theories

Image from the Independant
Photo from The

Some fans are still waiting to see if their theories are true, but with The White Lotus, it’s easy to predict.

Rick’s father is actually Sritala. Fans believe that Patrick Schwarzenegger’s line, “Having sex in Thailand is like eating a box of chocolates. You never know which one’s going to have nuts,” is a nod to Rick trying to find the man who killed his father. Fans also think that when Rick’s father came to Thailand, he fell in love and wanted to switch genders, meaning the “old him” was killed, and that the person he is actually looking for is Sritala. 

Fans are wishing for ANYTHING between Belinda and Greg (Gary). Like seriously, its been six episodes… and one interaction?

Our sweet Chelsea is predicted to get caught in a terrible situation… again. Protect Chelsea at all costs!

Although there have been a good amount of shocking (ish) events, The White Lotus is known for its unpredictableness, and so far, everything has been predicted easily. 

Are you hoping for The White Lotus season three to pick up in the last few episodes? Tag @VALLEYmag with your thoughts on social media!

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