THON 2015: Mail Call

As mail is lined up in the back of the Bryce Jordan Center, the dancers are called up group by group to receive envelopes spilling with supportive letters from their friends and loved ones. Reading these can give the dancers that extra boost of energy they need during the later hours of THON.

Although it may elicit many emotions, mail call is certainly a positive point during THON.

We pulled aside some dancers to open up about their reactions during this tender moment.



Jackie Jones, a senior dancing for the Penn State Dance Alliance, was surprised with letters from her team and even her dance partner’s boyfriend’s parents!

“With them telling me that they think I can do it, I know I can do it,” says Jones.



“The different techniques that my friends and family use to keep me going is very inspiring,” says senior Kevin Mckenna, a dancer representing Axis.



Angela Saponaro, a senior dancing for Alpha Delta Pi, says that it “solidifies the support I know I have.”

“Whenever I forget about that, I have these to remind me,” Saponaro says.


Claire Gleason

Senior Claire Gleason, a dancer for Delta Sigma Pi, says “It’s a really hard for us at this point in the weekend to wake up.”

“This gives me my second or third wind that I need,” Gleason says.