THON 2016: Best Shoes and Socks

Photo by Vivian Lin

When standing for 46 hours straight, there’s nothing more important than a good pair of shoes and socks. However, in typical Penn State student fashion, THONers weren’t only concerned with comfort, but also style. In the past, the students have brought their A+ sock and shoe game to the three-day philanthropic event and 2016 is no different. Below are Valley’s top pics for most fashionable sneakers and socks this year.

Photo by Vivian Lin

Photo by Vivian Lin

Mark Chandley, a Dancing Relations member, proudly showed off his caped socks which he admits were solely bought for THON 2016.

Photo by Vivian Lin

Photo by Vivian Lin

Lisa Halat, an independent dancer, sporting some seriously trippy socks, says these are not her only pair for the event, “I have ten more pairs with me — when picking them out I just like to look at what seems the most fun.”

Photo by Vivian Lin

Photo by Vivian Lin

Megan Marzella, a dancer, says that her previous THON’s have all consisted of American themed leg wear. We think the red, white, and blue is a style not to be messed with either.


Photo by Vivian Lin

Photo by Vivian Lin

Superhero themed socks were a big hit at this year’s THON, as seen worn here by dancer Kinsey Marley. Marley said that since she was dancing this year she knew she had to “bring it” with the sock and shoe game, and bring it she did.

Photo by Vivian Lin

Photo by Vivian Lin

Emily Steigerwald, representing the American Institute of Chemical Engineers on the floor, was one of the few dancers who sported the ankle sock look this year. Her tri-colored sneakers were purchased for a 10k she’s currently training for but we think they perfectly suit THON’s neon atmosphere.

Photo by Vivian Lin

Photo by Vivian Lin

We had to give Leah Yourstone, a Dancing Relations member, a shoutout for her sweet sock game. Wearing the FTK letters proudly with cute blue bows, Yourstone perfectly captured what THON is all about. After all, it’s all For the Kids!


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