Turn Your Dreams Into A Reality With A Vision Board

photo posted by @BySacredSpaces on esty.com

The time has come to stop fantasizing about the life you want and start turning those thoughts into your own reality. Anyone can say they want something, but few will actually do what it takes to earn those desires—It’s either one day or day one. It can be hard to find the motivation to keep making moves towards your future goal so VALLEY is here to show you how to create your own vision board! 

The purpose behind the concept of a vision board is to remind yourself to not lose sight of where you are going and what you are setting out to accomplish. It is a visual reminder to communicate your goals and interests to yourself on a daily basis.

Psychology Today reported that mental imagery impacts the cognitive processes in the brain including planning and perception. This is why it is crucial to take things that inspire and resonate with you — EVERY picture should have some type of meaning behind it to you. 

Since the main point of all of this is to be able to look at the board, you want to place it somewhere that you spend your time. Whether the collection of pictures is on a cardboard poster or a wall in your apartment, it’ll become meaningful room decor. It may be difficult to gather everything you have seen on social media that resonated with you so VALLEY has come up with some key categories of pictures to include when creating your own vision board. 

Photo posted by @werenotreallystrangers on Instagram

The initial thought about quotes is that they’re usually cheesy, but they do make an impact. Everyone resonates with different sayings based on what they are currently or previously went through. When something can capture the way you feel, it is easier to grasp that idea to eventually let it go. The brand, We’re Not Really Strangers, does this by using statements to empower others to create meaningful connections within your life rather than useless ones. Incorporating quotes reminds you of your strength and not to give up on yourself and the things you are looking for in every aspect of your life. 

Photo posted by @arianagrande on Instagram

Ugh Icons — the people who make our world go round. They inspire us for who we want to be from the outfits, the career choice, or simply just their attitudes. Now, your definition of who is considered an icon is how you want to interpret it. Looking up to anyone whether it be Ariana Grande or your oldest cousin— anyone can be an iconic figure.

The main idea here is that it is someone who you aspire to be in some shape or form. If you admire the way they accomplish their goals or how they carry their confidence, put them up on that board. Seeing these people daily will remind you of their energy which will remind you to project that yourself. 

Photo posted by @justgirlproject on Instagram

Speaking about confidence, empowering yourself is a big concept of all this.  The way you carry yourself, set up to achieve your goals, and the positive mindset you have walking into any situation become attributes to empowering yourself. You need to realize that if anyone can do it— it can be you too.

As discussed in the novel, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero, our subconscious mind takes in the energy that surrounds us. This means if you are constantly doubting yourself, you are feeding yourself negativity that is allowing yourself to stand in your own way. It’s crucially necessary to feel positivity through the pictures you select and embrace who you are.

Things that matter to YOU

Never forget the whole point of your vision board is that it is customized just for you! There is only one you out there which is what brings such beauty to be unique. Everyone has different passions and dreams so it is not even comparable to what someone else has created. It is something to keep you in the right direction and remind yourself you have the power of pursuing what you want. It is your vision, it is your board, and it is YOUR LIFE, don’t let anyone think they have any type of control over that. 

Photo taken by Katelyn Lenz
My personal vision board

Show us what you put on your vision board! Tag us on Instagram, @VALLEYmag, to show us what you’ve created!



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