Valentine’s Day for the single’s

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Every year Valentine’s Day is centered around couples while all the single people sit back and watch. Dinner dates, romantic nights, flowers, chocolate, teddy bears, all of it. Many people tend to dislike this day because they do not have someone special to share it with and they harp on the fact of not having a significant other.

This year instead of making February 14, revolve around couples, it can be a special day for yourself too. A self-love day. No one needs a significant other to make them feel extraordinary one day out of the year. Every day should be a day about loving yourself, but on Valentine’s Day, you can make it extra special! VALLEY includes some different ways to make this day special for you and only you.

Treat Yourself
Photo from Unsplash

Instead of wishing that you were going to dinner with someone, go to dinner with yourself. This could involve taking in your favorite food or making it on your own. This day is a day dedicated to you so eat your favorite food and snacks and enjoy every second of it. Nothing is better than feasting on your favorite food and having no shame.

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Hanging out with your closest friends can be the most comforting feeling ever. Laughing until the point that your stomach feels like you just worked out because of a silly joke a friend said or even relaxing while you guys catch up on your week will forever hold special moments. Surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you can make you feel great.

If you and your friends enjoy going out, go to your favorite spot together. This could be a favorite restaurant, coffee place or try somewhere new! Dedicating a day all about yourself doesn’t mean you have to do things alone, but if you include others on this day make sure they will bring you positivity.

Buy Yourself Something Nice
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This doesn’t necessarily mean buying yourself the most expensive gift ever but if that is something you want to do, then go for it. This could be buying yourself coffee in the morning, buying flowers or getting those pair of shoes you have always wanted but haven’t made the move to get them yet. Treating yourself to a nice gift is special because someone else is not handing it to you. It is also special because it is motivating. Being able to buy nice things for yourself can motivate you to work hard and be the boss you have always wanted to be.

Brighten Your Day
Photo from Unsplash

Go get your nails done, go for a drive, go play your favorite sport whatever it is that will make you smile, do it. Overall, this day is about having the most self-filled, loving day and doing things that will make you happy can have a great impact on your future. It is important to note that once you love yourself so deeply, you will never need anyone to fill a void, but instead, you will want some extra care. There is a big difference between wanting and needing someone, but quite frankly you do not need anyone other than yourself.

VALLEY encourages you to go out and do things that make you happy whether it be on Valentine’s Day or any other normal day. Tag us on Instagram, @VALLEYmag, if you take part in any of these on Valentine’s Day!


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