Obviously, our parents can have a big effect on our future and what we want to do, but what about our favorite TV shows or movies? Can our favorite characters inspire us to decide our majors or future careers?
Did How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days or Gilmore Girls inspire you to be a journalist? Or did Grey’s Anatomy spark your interest in the medical field? The shows we watched in high school and middle school shaped us to want to be our favorite characters.

In entertainment, television shows and movies can serve as more than just sources of amusement, they can be influencers in shaping our perceptions, interests, and aspirations. It’s not uncommon for students to find themselves drawn to particular narratives that resonate with them, sometimes even to the extent of influencing their academic and career choices.
From pre-med majors to journalists, Meredith Grey and Rory Gilmore have affected everyone. After asking around 200 students at Penn State the question, “Does your major correlate with your favorite show?” over 60% of people answered that their major and future career path indeed does have something to do with their favorite show and movie.
Many factors go into these huge life decisions at such a young age such as your parents, life experiences or environment, but have you ever thought that your favorite TV shows or movies play a role as well?

Grace Migliazza, a third-year nursing student, breaks down how she decided that she wanted to be a nursing major, “I never really had any experiences that would make me want to go into nursing or the medical field. My mom was a teacher and my dad works in business. I watched Grey’s Anatomy in middle school and walked around saying I was going to be a nurse ever since!”
TV shows and movies can spark curiosity, ignite passion, and broaden horizons in ways that traditional educational resources may not always achieve. By recognizing and embracing the influence of our favorite entertainment media, we can harness its potential to shape our academic pursuits and aspirations, leading to fulfilling and rewarding careers aligned with our passions and interests.

That’s not to say that Grey’s Anatomy can be the only show to influence students. Second year, Micheal Samsell’s favorite show is Breaking Bad, correlating with his major, chemical engineering. And when it comes to third-year Kendall Kutzavitch, Legally Blonde is her favorite movie show in her life, with her international politics major on a pre-law track, and also being president of her sorority.
So whether Criminal Minds sparked your interest in criminology, or the Sopranos made it your dream to be a mob wife, follow @VALLEYmag on social media to let us know your favorite show!