Weighing In: Health-Smart Grocery Store Swaps

Each week, our own fitness fanatics Sabrina Evans and Emily Keifline will explore the latest workout crazes, diet fads and dish out tips for healthy living. Managing your schoolwork is tough enough- let us take care of your health.


It’s easy to get stuck in a grocery store rut; sticking to the same list every time you go. Trying new things can be scary, especially when you’re on a college budget that doesn’t allow for much wiggle room. To help you out, we have compiled a few grocery store swaps that are healthier and totally worth trying.

PB2 instead of peanut butter

If you love peanut butter but are not a huge fan of the high calorie and fat content, check out PB2. With a quarter of the calories and way less fat, PB2 is a smart choice for peanut butter addicts. PB2 has only one gram of fat per serving compared to the 16 grams of fat in regular peanut butter. It comes in a powder form that you mix with water to create a peanut butter texture.

PB2 has only three ingredients: roasted peanuts, sugar, and salt. It addition to the original peanut butter flavor, you can also buy it in chocolate to satisfy your peanut butter cup cravings. It costs around $5 per jar, which is about the same price as regular peanut butter. While you can use PB2 on your lunch time PB&J, I have found that it works best for apple dipping or in smoothies and shakes.

Frozen fruits and veggies instead of fresh

If you love your fruits and veggies but struggle with the price of fresh produce, try giving frozen fruits and veggies a shot. Junior education major Meghan Quinlisk says she always buys frozen vegetables because they’re so much cheaper than fresh. Since frozen produce is frozen shortly after being picked, it often packs more nutrients than fresh. Don’t be tempted by canned fruits and vegetables, though. Although they might be cheaper, a lot of nutrients are lost in the canning process. So, when you’re tempted to start eating ramen every night to shave a few bucks off your grocery bill, pick up some frozen produce!

Turkey instead of beef or pork

With many people out there trying to be more health-conscious, turkey products are on the rise. There are turkey alternatives for pretty much anything, and they have much less fat than beef or pork products. Jennio-O turkey franks have 70 calories each with six grams of fat, as opposed to Ballpark beef franks that have 190 calories each and 16 grams of fat. For a quick and easy swap, try putting turkey pepperoni on your pizza or crumbled ground turkey in your pasta.

Next time you’re at the grocery store, try one of our swaps and let us know what you think!

Photo by Jackie Stumm

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