Welcome to Covert Advice

Screen Shot 2014-09-23 at 10.01.19 AMAs a man, I realize that I will never understand women, no matter how hard I try. There are even times when despite all of the chaos around the world, nothing represents a true war better than the battle of the sexes. Yet at first glance, this war doesn’t seem very logical: shouldn’t we have everything in common? If we’re both human, why are women so confusing? Well, ladies, men are complex creatures of their own, and FAR more complex than we appear to be.

With a tip of my hat to social media, the dynamic of the sexes has completely changed over the past decade: we made new “friends,” published new “relationships,” retweeted our crush’s thoughts and subtweeted our jealousies. So why have I lost some hope in understanding women? Probably because I’m barely able to understand myself and the difference between who I am and who I want my Facebook profile to say I am. Sadly, it’s the world we live in, but there is hope after all: I may not need to understand women, but I understand men.

While I will never be able to write up a beautiful piece on the proper season to wear rompers, nor be able to tell you what shade of eyeliner is being worn by which celebrity, or even who the cast of the new Teen Wolf is this year, I can promise you that I have spent my entire life listening, smiling, and often apologizing on behalf of my gender.

That’s why I am at Valley.

Write to me about a problem you are having or anonymously ask me that question that’s been on your mind for a while, and I’ll answer it from the perspective of the boy next door. Maybe it’s about a friend, that guy in front of you in class, or even someone you’ve loved for an eternity: this is Covert Advice and I, Christopher Covert, am here to answer your questions.


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    REMEMBER: This is completely anonymous, so tell me as much as you can about your problem... I am all ears.

    One Word to Describe Yourself:

    What Advice Do You Need?

    Graphic designed by Kailyn Moore

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