Where’d All The Time Go?

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As the infamous Ferris Bueller once said: “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.” Would we deny the fact that this is true?

But what if I told you that time in itself is out of your control, which is something that can either make or break a person, depending on who you speak to. 

Over time, we ponder upon pivotal moments and experiences in our lifetimes that we heavily reminisce on from time to time. From that one formal with a boy you couldn’t get over, that period of time freshman year of college where life seemed stress free, or simply wishing you can travel back in time to the “good old days” we make constant references to; They all share one thing in common. Time is of the essence. 

Living In The Present Moment and It’s Significance

This phrase can serve a whole multitude of explanations and may mean something different to one person in comparison to another. Distinct cultures and countries across the globe imply time to be of the essence in many distinct ways, but how? 

Let us tell you. “Tempus Fugit” is a common Latin phrase we have learned and heard about at one point in our life. Whether you learned it in school, in a piece of advice a friend gave you one time, or by a crucial moment that defined your life; Time simply flies without us even knowing it. 

Like the speed of light, time goes off with the wind, leaving us to have to enjoy what we have in the present moment; We sit, wait and wish that we can travel back in time in our personalized time capsule; However, have you ever thought about how much of an impact having this mentality can have in your life if you were to just live in the present moment? 

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Why is this all so Important?

Time is unpredictable, our day to day schedules are never the same, unless you make it ought to seem that way. If there’s one thing we can make clear here at VALLEY, it’s that there’s certainly a distinction between what daily activities we do as 10, 15, 20-year-olds.

The moral of the story here is that latching onto previous or upcoming events at any point in your lifetime can take a toll on our subconscious without even knowing it. But is there a way to fight this perception of time you may have currently? The answer is YES. 

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Tips to Trick Your Mind and Find Your Inner Peace

Here, we will show you three simple ways to begin developing a mentality where you can take everyday like a grain of salt. These tips and tricks may seem silly to someone, but adapting these mechanisms to your daily habits can help generate a happier, positive version of yourself like never before. Let go of fear and start grasping onto hope.

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First things first; Put that phone down to enjoy what life has brought right in front of you. As college students, some may consume their day-to-day with checking up on how much fun other people besides themselves are having around them; FOMO as one would describe it. 

Placing all negative thoughts aside and performing activities like taking a walk, reading one your favorite books or listening to an intriguing podcast can create a positive impulse for you to live life everyday like it’s your last. If your best friend were to jump off a cliff right now, would you do it too? 

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The next piece of advice we have is to practice mindful breathing. It legitimately can work if you decide to take it seriously, but that is something that we at VALLEY can not decide for you.  Focus on your breath for a few moments. 

Take slow, deep breaths, and pay attention to the sensation of the air entering and leaving your body. This helps ground you in the present and clears your mind from distractions about the past or future.

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Last but not least; Ignore the “Negative Nancy” that lives rent free in your mind. Fully engage in what you’re doing and let go of judgment that makes your thoughts and intentions blurry. 

Tyler The Creator once said: “I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind,” meaning that “Negative Nancy” mindset may go completely unnoticed when you gain a negative outlook on certain experiences that have happened in your life. Don’t let those thoughts or voices take over, be like Tyler:

Everyday is a new day to become a new you; So whatever task you’re doing—whether it’s eating, walking, or talking—focus entirely on that. Notice the details around you, like sounds, textures, and smells, and try to experience them fully. This keeps your attention in the moment.

If thoughts about the past or future come up when you are simply just going through the walk of life you are on right now, acknowledge them without judgment, and gently bring your focus back to the present. Remind yourself that the only moment you have control over is right now.

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And that’s all folks! Thanks for tuning in and tweet us @valleymag on X to let us know what you have been doing to apply these tips and tricks!


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