It’s time to talk about a toxic side of TikTok that no one really talks about….those pesky manifestation and tarot videos. You know which ones we are talking about, the videos that will randomly flood your “For You” page saying “if you don’t use this sound, something bad will happen at midnight. Use this sound and interact four times to unclaim.” Which you proceed by using the sound and interacting four times, keeping the video in your drafts. Look it’s safe to say that we have all been guilty of falling into that trap, but then you look back at your drafts only to realize you have 357 saved drafts that are all using the manifestation sounds (all because of the same girl). VALLEY is here to tell you…your “For You” page is lying to you.
Look no one is denying the coincidence of your big fight with your boyfriend and the oddly relatable video that came up a couple of hours later telling you “he will come back to you and apologize” and that proceeding to happen. But girl, do we really think he apologized because you used some mysterious “manifestation” sound that you saved into your drafts? Not saying manifestation isn’t real, but we are pretty sure a simple 3-6-9 manifestation method will suffice.
Why are those videos coming up on your feed?
Truth: Your “For You” page is designed to show you content that is personalized to you based on the data they track such as your clicks, likes and interaction with that type of content.

Using Manifestation Video Sounds
At the end of the day, there is no harm in using the manifestation sound or interacting with the videos four times to claim good energy, we all need some good juju sometimes. But let’s not pretend that that one video is a sign to go text your toxic ex or that something bad will happen to your family if you don’t use the sound. Those videos prey on your anxieties to rack up views and post interactions so TikTok will boost their content.
Take it from someone who has fallen into that trap one too many times and has a scary number of drafts. If you feel like the coincidence is too odd and you don’t want to risk the internship you have been dreaming about for so long, we say go for it what is the harm? But, just because you decided to skip that one video won’t give you bad luck for a week and something terrible won’t happen.
Tell us about your craziest story by tagging us, @VALLEYmag on Twitter, and interact with this post four times to claim good energy!
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