Your Music is Your Mood: How Songs Influence Our Well-Being

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Music is more than just background noise or something to dance to, it heavily influences emotions, energy and even our brain activity. Underneath the instruments and tempo, our minds constantly respond to what they hear shaping us in more ways than we even realize. 

Emotional Ties

Music is tied closely to our experiences and memories and simply hearing a tune can bring back nostalgia and past emotions. When a song transports us back to the past, our brain releases dopamine and the memory centers are activated. Tracks that hold special connections in our hearts can remind us of family, childhood or even past love. These memories bring up warm and comforting feelings that improve our well-being and promote relaxation. 

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Focus In

Some mornings it’s tough to feel energized and on top of things. When putting on your morning mix it’s tempting to go for something slow or sad, but upbeat music is the key to turning around your day. The quick tempo can boost your mood, making tasks such as exercise or even a walk to class more exciting. 

Finding good pop or rap songs can help you stay focused and maintain a steady pace in whatever you are doing. Luckily if you don’t know where to start listening, VALLEY asked college athletes what they tune in to before events. Know the importance of staying motivated and looking out for your health, check out the playlist for student-athlete energy here

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Slow It Down

While upbeat music is good for focusing on exercise, what about focusing on class? Listening to relaxing music can reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn improves concentration and memory. Along with calming you down, it drowns out background noise, allowing you to pay attention solely to your studies and not the world around you. This does not only have to be applied to schoolwork, it can also be used in any situation where you need to calm down or unwind. Check out some of VALLEY’s favorite study music here

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Your Mix

Music is incredibly personal … so find what speaks to you. Explore many different genres and the tracks within them to grasp what you like! It does not resonate the same for any two people and connecting to a song can make it something special and unique to you.  Make it your own and compile your favorite songs into a playlist that you can rely on.

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Understanding how music can impact the way you think can completely change your day-to-day life. From helping you hit a PR at the gym to calming you down when you’re anxious, songs have a special way of changing how we act and feel. Music is not just entertainment; it is a crucial part of the human experience. Find what songs work for you to help get you through it.

What songs help you start your day? Tag @VALLEYMag on X with your favorites!


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