You’re Due for a New Year’s Resolution Check-up

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Remember those New Year’s resolutions you made way back in 2023? The one where you decided to become a runner or claimed you wanted to learn how to bake? Maybe, you’ve been sticking to them and it’s become a part of your routine. Or maybe, you were dedicated for about a month then haven’t thought much about it since.

If the ladder is the case, it’s okay! It might feel like the year is over and you’ve missed your chance … but we’ve got news for you, there’s still time! Even if you start December 31st, you still start in 2024. So, let’s take a look back at the main categories of goals for the year and see where there is still room to accomplish them.

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Self-Care & Wellness

This topic tends to be the most common area people make New Year’s resolutions. Health and fitness are always fluctuating. You might have a solid workout routine for a while, then something else in your life shows up, and you’re thrown off course again. It’s hard to stay balanced and consistent.

If you struggled with that this year but always tell yourself you want to do better, take some time to evaluate why it’s challenging to keep a routine. Do you feel like there is not enough time in the day to fit it in? Consider waking up even just an hour earlier to squeeze in some time to be active. Maybe you don’t enjoy the environment of the gym you go to. Are there other spots you can work out at instead?

Prioritizing your health and fitness does not come easy. It takes dedication to keep going and willingness to make time for it. If that was your goal this year and you’re now thinking to make it your goal in 2025, really consider why it didn’t work for you this year and make a plan for it to work now!

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Academics & Career

This is another top contender for a popular resolution — success. We may have thought to ourselves, this is the year I am really going to give it my all in school or I am finally going to get that promotion by the end of this year. If you feel short on these goals, again think back to why you did.

Of course, some things are out of your control and could have played a role in why. However, if there are factors that fall on you like procrastinating your work, going out too much or simply not caring enough, then it could be beneficial to change the way you approach your work.

If you want all A’s next semester but only study the night before an exam, rework your studying schedule and prepare days in advance. Maybe you’re struggling to get noticed by your boss, but you’ve fallen into doing the bare minimum tasks, challenge yourself to go the extra mile and chase that success a little harder.

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Personal Growth

Though this might not be the most common one, we could argue this might be the most important one. Looking back on the person you were at the start of this year and comparing it to who you are now is certainly a reflection worth thinking about. If you had any goals revolving around who you wanted to become or how you would start acting, this is your chance to see if you’ve stepped into that or are still missing some pieces. Even if this wasn’t one of your goals, it could be worth making it one this year. Something as simple as daily affirmations each morning or journaling once a week could go a long way by the end of next year.

It is so important to consider both external and internal goals when looking ahead to the new year. Not only can you do something for yourself within your schedule, but you can improve your overall mind and wellbeing this year as well!

What is one goal you’re going to rework this 2025? Let us know on X @VALLEYmag!


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