You’re Going To Be Judged Anyway

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We live in a world surrounded by judgment. It’s universal. Instead of fearing it, harness that fear and use it to live as your truest, most authentic self.

Society is built in a way that makes us all afraid of being judged. But for some, this fear is limiting because it keeps them from being their true selves. Since judgment is unavoidable, it’s better to try to live a happy, authentic life than a sad, inauthentic one just to avoid criticism.

What Society Says

There is an idea within society that we have to be a certain way to fit in. It’s almost like there’s an unspoken set of norms we’re expected to fulfill. As a society, we conform in different ways to fit these “social norms.”

We’re almost subtly taught that we should behave a certain way, and often we make decisions based on whether or not we’ll be judged. 

Social media is one example. People sometimes don’t post something out of fear of being judged. We all conform to this ideal of what is deemed “normal.”

However, the idea of normal is a social construct everyone’s version of what’s normal is different.

“We are all conformists, whether we admit it or not. It’s part of our human nature. We couldn’t form and live in human societies if we weren’t conformists.”

Psychology Today
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Who You Actually Are

Being able to embrace life and live your, most authentic self can be reviving. You’ll tend to meet people who are more like you, which can lead to greater comfort, especially within yourself.

The beginning may seem uncomfortable at first, but over time, you’ll realize that you become much more relaxed. Trying to be a certain way out of fear of being judged can be exhausting. When you embrace who you truly are, you’re able to create a life that aligns with your authentic self.

Being able to handle criticism is also a skill in itself. It prepares you for life, as criticism is a part of life. You experience criticism in your job, with friends, and in many other walks of life. 

“You’re going to be judged anyway. So you might as well live the life you want rather than what others expect.”

Overall, we’re all going to be judged at some point in life. Instead of letting the fear of judgment hold you back, try using it as motivation to live the best version of yourself.

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